Significance of the Color Red This Flag Day

Did you know that the color RED in the American flag stands for valor and hardiness? A little word study taught me that valor is actually, strength of mind or courage and determination that is revealed by personal bravery.  Hardiness or the ability to endure difficult conditions often comes up when we talk about plants, but did you know it is also a psychological term for the ability to withstand physical and psychological stress? This mindset allows us to see difficulties and stress as a personal challenge and therefore we are able to experience personal growth in the face of adversity.  Adorn yourself with RED this Flag Day and challenge yourself to have valor and hardiness in order to be the change you want to see in the world!  Whatever that may look like for you, we can ALL play a role in re-branding this nation.  ALL RED JAMBEI BEAD JEWELRY IS 25% OFF THROUGH FLAG DAY!  Use promo code: RED at checkout.

Danielle Long